Sunday, June 30, 2013

Kampung wisata desa Cinangneng

Kampung wisata desa cinangneng/ cinangneng village tour, Bogor
tour to see the habit and tradition of cinangneng village people can saw which unique and interesting untill now their traditions still pure . like wayang kulit, sunda tradition dance. special food of this village and all about farming and gardening from era to era from years to years.
here they teach us how to farming and gardening without fertilizier. tour to this village will be also interesting for children because this tour show how to farming and gardening.

this tour atrea located in kecamatan/sub district ciampea kabupaten /regency Bogor at jalan babakan kemang Rt.01/02 , cihedeung udik which can reach  from jakarta is only 2 hours throught jagorawi toll the to darmaga bogor.
facilities in tour:
  • learn how to play angklung and sundanese songs
  • village Tour Kampoeng/ visit home industry
  • learn how to planting seed
  • cross the bridge and bathing of  buffalo
  • learn how to play Gamelan
  • learn how to dance of sundanese
  • learn how to make cookies (Kue bugis)
  • lear now to make traditional drink  ( jamu)
  • learn how to make 'wayang' from  cassave / singkong leaf
  • coloring farmer hat
  • swimming pool
  • Photo wearing traditional clothes
  • hotel  (Rp 450.000 s/d 550.000 per malam)


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